Reality and illusion

Original code

The city of dead

The clones
The wall
Eternal de facto and eternal according to the realization

The undead

Dear friends! This year, we must learn to tell right words. The words by which Lord modifies the future world, and this process begins by changing our own mind. In this consists the main difficulty. We are not accustomed to pay attention to the mode of our thinking. We consider that our mind is possibility to memorize and analyze information, rather than possibility to set our own mind. Do you see the difference?

Reality and illusion

We are used to consuming and sharing information, reading books and magazines, surfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to sermons, publishing messages on the forums, communicating with colleagues and relatives, and believe, each time, that human mind is ability to retain and analyze received information. But this is not true. The analysis of information is just the function of the lowest sphere of our mind. This is a level of the ring finger. The little finger is our business, while the ring finger is our brain, analyzing the information and giving the command to action. These functions are secondary, and our analytical abilities are entirely and completely, subject to the order of our mind, in fact. This is already a higher level. Here is what is called spiritual mind, spiritual thinking. It’s what determines the future results of the analysis. The way how this level is configured influences analytical results made by our experts, our television intellectuals, all these authorities that form public opinion from the TV screens. At the same time, they are absolutely sure that they came to these conclusions independently.

In reality, all talking heads are subject to the first degree manipulation. Man does not see an object itself, but an image, projected to his head by his own mind. Therefore, people often argue about the same thing, but they cannot agree to anything, because initially they have a different mindset. They are initially of a different spirit.

Original code

There is also a higher level of intellectual organization, the level of the beginning. It has an absolute superiority over the entire sphere of our thinking, on the mode of thought, analysis and memory. Here is an original code of being which determines the real status of a man. Here are basic records that are answering the question: “Who am I and who is God?” Here must be inscribed two names: the first is the Name of God, the other - the name of the New Testament man. If man does not know the right answer to these questions, his conscience plunges into a sleep and he becomes a zombie.

If his mind cannot position itself in relation to the being of God and its own being, it falls into oblivion, so to speak. His mind ceases to attribute itself to real objects. The earth literally escapes from under his feet; it’s this white stone on which is built our eternal being, and we lose vital support literally in everything. This is how the Matrix works. If man simply analyzes information, he is a zombie; he is not the one who is (the one who exists), he is only an anthropomorphic creature, deprived of the right to choose, who has no his own life, his own vision of things, his own thoughts. He is an alien project, a fiction, a program designed by those who stay behind the perimeter of the Matrix, and all his reasoning is no more than an interpretation occurring in the format of predetermined program.

God created man in such a way that everyone could build, throughout his life, his own Trinitarian view of the Savior. The true life of man begins only when all four levels are gathered in integral God-man in his mind, and the most important thing in this assembly system is an original record, an original code of being. This record is the first line, inscribed in the Book of Life. You cannot be human without knowing the answer to the question:”Who am I?” There is no god-likeness without a clear understanding of "Who is God".

The city of dead

We are surrounded by hundreds and thousands of people. They consider themselves intelligent beings, they are preaching, writing books, making films, and adopting laws. They create an image of our civilization, and our civilization is considered to be a product of human mind, scientific and technological progress. But in reality it's all the contrary. The world of the 20th century is a product of human madness, human stupidity. This is result of the civilizational model that leads to a dead end. The world of the 20th century is created by anthropomorphic creatures that have no answer either to the first question or to the second. They do not know original code that determines the structure of Godlike thinking. They do not know the first record or the last one. The priests in our temples have never told us that the being of man is determined by the first record. They say year after year that our faith is less than mustard seed, but they never explain why it has become like that and what we must plant in our mind, so that a big tree, on which angels will settle, could grow in us. Our priests are themselves zombies, because they do not know this first word that is planted at the beginning. In this domain of their mind there is nothing inscribed, it is a void, "the abomination of desolation" prophesized by the prophet Daniel.

That's where all our problems come from. They come from the sleeping spirit of our priests who generates monsters. If man does not inscribe the primary record by himself, as it is planned by our Creator, there will always be those ready to do it for him, to rewrite himself, his confessor, and this writer he reads books since childhood. These people will methodically rewrite all initial records at all levels of the hierarchy of human intelligence.

The clones

It’s what happened, in fact. The Sages of Zion, beginning with the original code, have rewritten the entire universe and created this artificial world, the world of "The Other Side of the Mirror". And when they did it, new generations were born, completely deprived of the possibility of thinking by themselves. Billions of people whose mind fall asleep from the moment they came into contact with the national education system. They think they are free, that they live their own lives, but that's not true. Billions of people are born, lived their lives and died without the slightest idea of freedom, without realizing that their lives and even their souls were stolen from them, that all their feelings, all their anxieties, joy and pain, are only an interpretation of an alien code, that all these great and small events encountered on their way of life, all this takes place within the limits of a space defined by a program. For that they cannot go beyond the perimeter of the artificial fence erected in their head even in their most intimate dreams. They lived their lives and discovered only after death that they were only objects of artificial intelligence that their souls were artificially modified, from their childhood, and their lives were recoded, that humanity, in the twentieth century, has already been stamped with a seal of the beast.

The wall

The whole reality surrounding us is not a product of the free mind of man, but only interpretation of a program code. Thousands of priests, writers and journalists, academics and all sorts of professors, honored artists, famous directors artists and designers - all this huge army of artists daily works not to lead people to what is reasonable, good and eternal, but for a completely different purpose. They work for global retranslation of external code blocking the work of consciousness. Through the consumption of fresh information there is a daily update of the original record in our heads, and from year to year, our thinking is moving in a vicious circle. This code raises a fence, a dead wall in our mind. And this wall fenced off the consciousness of mankind from the living Divine Mind for a hundred years. Therefore, the main task of the media is not to inform, but to update the fence daily.

Eternal de facto and eternal according to the realization

The world is dead. We live in a world of zombies. We are surrounded by hundreds and thousands of creatures with frozen consciousness. Parents and loved ones are particularly hard to look at. We are accustomed to consider every man as an intelligent person, simply because of his existence. But in reality, it is not so. The man is considered as a complete human being, only if he is able to think fully, independently and freely. This opportunity opens only on the highest level of being, at the level of eternity of the Eighth Day. If the human mind is not inscribed in eternity, his whole nature falls out of eternal being and the process of dehumanization begins. The fallen one ceases to be a man; he passes into a rank of anthropomorphic creatures that do not inherit eternal life. Man is a being of a higher divine plan, but he is a created being. Therefore, if God determines his being by fact of His eternal existence, it is for this reason He is named Eternal, which also translates as "I am who I am". The created man cannot consider himself eternal by the mere fact of his existence. The created man can consider himself eternal only by the fact of inscribing his nature into the space of eternal being. Man is the one who becomes eternal, becomes god by divine grace, not the one who is already god by grace simply because his dad and mom gave him life one day.

The undead

Christ is a true light that enlightens every man who comes into the world. The mere fact of our coming into the world does not develop our divine potential. Therefore, if man is not able to inscribe, together with his Creator, the original code in his mind which determines formation of his own eternal being, no need to delude, it is not a man we have before our eyes, but an anthropomorphic blank. Not only insensitive to the light of the truth of Christ, but also aggressive to the truth, to the divine order, to the very source of life, to his own existance. There is an undead before us. Our planet is inhabited by ugly creatures of the Jewish experiment, by billions of anthropomorphic modules programmed to die, to self-destruction, to nonexistence.

These creatures spend to anything so much effort and energy as to destroy the foundations of their own existence. Of course, they can build a house and plant a tree, to do something, but throughout their lives, they will tear out of themselves and their loved ones all that truly connects them with God. It’s because they are programmed to do it. Instead of a primary code, in this same holy place, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, is the "abomination of desolation". And instead of the Name of God is, literally, written the following: “Before any business, break off connection with God, and then do whatever you want”. They realize this program for a century. For a hundred years, the Jewish elders have produced many different forms of undead, different kinds of characters, fantastic horror stories about aliens, strangers and predators, about an invasion of zombies, revolt of cars, planet of monkeys, hungry games, cubic labyrinths and many other things. All these characters are not a product of naked imagination. All these characters are artistic images of real objects. This is a new form of infernal forces, developed in the Illuminati laboratories. These numerous forms of the undead live among us, live next to us, live in ourselves and we do not see them, because their being is inscribed in a holy place, in the field of primary code.




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