'Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea and say, "Here is the message of the Amen, the trustworthy, the true witness, the Principle of God's creation (Apocalypse of St. John 3:14).

Dear brothers and sisters, our air assault sobor has just taken the height of the 61th week. After crossing the midpoint, the front line, so to speak, we still had to climb seven steps of God's wisdom.

And here, on seventh level is the end of our very long research path. Here we come to learn the last puzzle and then all the garland is assembled and flashes with bright, festive New Testament lights. Here Christ, Who passed through the whole history of the world being, is enthroned as the Ancient of Days, and pronounces the last word "Amen", which means: "That's all," everything is done; it is a final point here.

'Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea(this is a church of seventh level) and say, "Here is the message of the Amen, the trustworthy, the true witness, the Principle of God's creation (Apocalypse of St. John 3:14). Amen is the God-Man, Jesus Christ, Who is the beginning and the end of Creation, Alpha and Omega.

To reveal to the world the correct structure of the New Testament energy, that is, to show in practice exactly what to do, for the Holy Spirit could pour out into our sobor, we need to grasp the whole Project of God, its both sides, and contain it in our soborial mind.

The Project of God is not just abstract information; the Project of God is living God-Man Jesus Christ. It is about absolutely living processes, the most sacred, and bright, and intimate things.

Amen is our Lord in a state of complete realization of the Project of God the Father, in a state of absolute fulfilment of the will of God. Therefore, in order to fulfil, to know completely the Project of God the Father, we must contain in our soborial mind: « Who is Amen, enthroned above all sacred being? »

The path of knowledge of the Wisdom of God begins with the Dogma of the Holy Trinity. With this begins studying of the Project of God. If we contain, in our mind, the essence of the being of God, we get to know the beginning of all beginnings. Therefore, as the objective of the Project of God is a construction of the Divine-Human realm, the completion of the path of knowledge is capacity of man to formulate the Dogma of the Holy Trinity Kingdom of Christ the Saviour. What is Amen, Who is the beginning of God's Creation.

Amen is the main key to the biggest mystery of God. It consists in fact that the being of God as well as the being of Creation are organized according to the same principles, formulated in the Dogma of the Holy Trinity. In other words, all knowledge of the world, all that is on earth, absolutely verything, is situated between two points. One point is the Dogma of the Holy Trinity. The other is the Dogma of the Holy Creation. There are these two triangles. And as long as we do not make the second dogma of the being of the world, our mind cannot gather in whole. Accordingly, the Holy Spirit will not pour out inside our sobor, because there is nowhere to pour out. For the blessing you need to meet two palms, not only one. One palm is the Dogma of the Holy Trinity, the other - the Dogma of Creation.

Man is created by God as a local model of all Creation. Accordingly, after formulating the Dogma of Creation, we finally put a point to the anthropological question.

Thus, the Dogma of the Holy Trinity gives us knowledge about the essence of the being of God. The knowledge that God the Father lives in a cross-resurrection way, accordingly to the principle of love. However, we cannot directly penetrate the essence of God. We cannot say what the essence of God is, what this phenomenon or substance is? God is unknowable, because you cannot grasp Him by mind. There is nothing to catch hold. He has neither beginning nor end.

Another thing is man. The criterion of knowledge of our being is Creation which has a beginning and an end. That's what the Name of God in a state of Amen is. Amen is a definitive answer to the questions: "Who is man? What lies at the very foundation of our personality? What is our beginning and what we are made from? "

Amen is a key to the heart, a key to the spiritual energy of man, a key to the spiritual awakening of a very great people, abiding today in the centuries-long stupor. Thus, thanks to the understanding of the Dogma of Creation, we penetrate not only into the human being, but also into its very essence. And penetration into the essence means getting the keys to the energy of humanity, that is to say, we can finally begin modelling the Orthodox world order.

So what are made boys and girls from?

What is that energy? What are humans really made from? Boys and girls are woven of the flow of time. That's what we're all made from.

The flow of time is energy of God in its original state. It is that force that puts our world from nothingness into being. The flow of time is a spiritual river. It washes, like blood, the entire Creation. Simultaneously it passes through all centuries and all levels of Creation. It is present and vivifies visible world, as well as invisible world. This flow contains not only all the past, present and future, entirely, but also the world of the future century, that is to say, the eternity to come. That is what we are made from. We are made from the energy of the very being as such. And energy of being or flow of time is energy of the Divine Mind, so the essence of man is composed of the energy of Divine Mind which is simultaneously time. Therefore, the word "man" contains "mind" and "time" (in Russian).

The energy of time is Trinitarian light passed from uncreated state into a state of creative process, into a state of vivification. This condition occurs after separation and crossing living rays of Trinitarian light. Therefore, the essence of the flow of time is the life-giving Cross. The energy of the life-giving Cross is at the heart of our prayer. It is a carrier of the Holy Spirit grace. That's what is the Cross power of God. And when we find ourselves in a state of grace during prayer, it means that our heart is washed, at this moment, by the flow of time, bearing in itself all the holy being in its integrity. It is for this reason that the time factor has a paramount importance in Orthodox prayers. The divine office begins with prayer formulations containing different aspects of time.

For example: "Blessed be God, forever and always and from century to century. Amen", as it was the case before Nikon's reforms. Not "from century to centuries" as it is pronounced today. A monstrous bomb is placed in this synodal formulation that smashed the traditional Christian world to shreds, completely eliminated it from all over the planet. We'll talk more in detail later.

By which is measured the power of prayer?

The power of prayer is energy of time. Through time occurs an interaction of our heart with God. Therefore, with proper construction of prayer, man seems to fall out of reality, and finds himself in the New Testament localized area where time is at rest. Therefore, we feel peace and unusual quietness at our heart and everything around us ceases to exist.

Since the energy of prayer is energy of the entire being, it is measured by universal men. Man is the only creature capable of gathering in himself absolutely all centuries. An elephant is not able to gather all centuries, as well as a whale or a star, but man is endowed by Creator of such ability. For example, the saints are often represented on the epitrachelion. The epitrachelion is an image of the sacred energies of being emanating from the Throne of God. That's what the priest operates with. In his hands is the power of all Creation. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to celebrate divine office without epitrachelion because the religious rite will not occur. To operate with an integral power of time, it is necessary to connect it to the physical carrier. In this consists the essence of the rite of blessing. But this is another topic. We’ll speak about it later.

Thus, the energy of prayer is measured by the universal holy men, because the saints contain in themselves all centuries in their integrity. Therefore, the formulations of main prayers are based on the understanding of this anthropological aspect. For example: "Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us." When speaking about electricity, we imagine the movement of electrons through a conductor, then the energy of prayer is composed of universal holy men. We pray by universal holy men. It's, literally, depicted onthe epitrachelion. We stand before our home iconostasis and pray, and our heart is washed, at this moment, by the flows consisting of the saints.

Every saint is not just some historical figure, who lived on the earth at one time and rest now somewhere in the unknown, in Heavens. Every saint is energy of the integral Kingdom of Christ, that is to say, the saints are centuries gathered in whole, into integral century. That’s what the New Testament Eucharistic energy is. That's what the energy of holiness is. Therefore, man is holy by nature. And release this enormous energy is quite simple: to do so, we need just to link our own nature with time, in our mind.

We will explain how to do it in next issue, which is called the Dogma of the Divine Human Kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity.



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