The Russian people, in the face of our soborial project, drive a wooden stake through the synodal theology))

The Ascension of Christ is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter.

The thing is that Christ did not rise somewhere up there, in some abstract heaven. Christ rise to the New Testament being, to the parallel century of integral time.40 is a number of Creation, its four floors, returned from fragmented to an integral state. The two upper floors represent the heaven, the two lower floors – the earth.

When Christ rises to His Kingdom, he enthrones above the Kingdom as the King of Glory. Two arches symbolize the New Testament heaven and earth.

Two angels in white symbolize the energy of the Eighth Day. Two main flows of being of the future century world. They are projected first in the Mother of God, then - in Saviour. The Mother of God represents the earthly church, in this case, while the Saviour - the Heavenly Kingdom. Thus is illustrated the formation of the Heavenly Jerusalem through the Mother of God.

If we put together the trajectory of the lower and upper flows, we’ll get two lozenges, or two half-oval, or figure 8, or the structure of the Cherubim. Or, still a variant, the structure of the messianic kingdom, from which Alice tumbled out. As we can see, the free-mason Tim Burton is very familiar with Orthodox iconography, unlike our illustrious synodal sages.

Such is the structure of time to which is dedicated the recently released masterpiece of the Judeo-Masonic creativity. It has a cross-shaped structure. I speak about time, not about the Judeo-Masonic creativity.

On horizontal are arranged two Christs, moving through the centuries and gathering into the Ancient of days. On the vertical, the time is composed of the Mother of God and Heavenly Kingdom which is in formation. We'll talk about the structure of time, in more detail, in next issue.

Thus, the Holy Mary represents the earthly church, through which our prayers rise up to the New Testament being, where is formed the Heavenly Jerusalem which is our Lord Jesus Christ. There are the icons where the energy of formation of the Heavenly Kingdom is represented in more details. For example, on this icon the Saviour is surrounded by four Angels, and there He is already with six Angels. The clothes of four Angels are red and blue. They are arranged in a crisscross pattern. Here is shown the flow of spiritual energy. From Saviour giving a blessing, through the upper Angels with trumpets, the Eucharistic flow goes down to earth and enters the people of God. Then, the church raises prayers, through the Holy Mary, into the New Testament space. The Angels project the energy of heaven and earth in the centre of Zion, and here, in the crossing of the ascending rays, appears the Saviour. The Almighty does not live by Himself. His realm of the New Testament, which is symbolized by a circle of clouds, is based on the energies ascending from earthly church. Therefore, the Angels are supporting, in their hands, the New Testament being of Christ.

On compositions with six angels is shown Trinitarian light structure. Apart the red energy of the earth and the blue energy of heaven, there are also the angels with trumpets here. The trumpets are headed in diametrically opposite directions: the ones - inside, the others - outside. Thus, the holy fathers draw our attention to another important truth from the life of the forces of grace: the flows of energy of holiness are outgoing and incoming. Another variant of the same theme is illustrated by the symbolism of the right hand that gives a blessing. The upper two fingers represent the energy of being that emanates from God. Therefore, they are always directed to the outside. The bottom two fingers represent the energy of the universe that return to God. The annular is our human mind; it is a content of the material form. The thumb is Christ. This is why the annular is often connected to the thumb. Our mind must always be in Christ, as well as our body. The material nature is symbolized by the little finger. It is also connected to God. In other icons, the little finger is positioned vertically. In this case, it represents the spiritual vertical of the Wisdom of God. This fact is emphasized in the Liturgy by the exclamation: "Premoudrost prosti". "Prosti" means "stand up."

We know from the Holy Scripture that the Ascension of the Saviour occurred in presence of two men dressed in white. “And they said, 'Why are you Galileans standing here looking into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come back in the same way as you have seen him go to heaven” (Acts of Apostles 1:11). Here, literally, we receive ardent greetings from the end of the Messianic period where all ages will gather in whole. As it says in the prophet Daniel: “He will strike a firm alliance with many people for the space of a week” (Daniel 9:27). We’ll leave for later the theme of weeks; otherwise we’ll be submerged by information. The important thing is that the phenomenon of these two men and their words means that all processes which happens with our Saviour, are carried out through the earthly church, through the people of God.

Christ ascended, literally, in presence of two personages from the future. That's the whole point. Thus, the main idea of the iconography of "Ascension" as well as the whole ancient orthodoxy that we finally restored, the main idea is that the Ascension of the Saviour is performed on the energy of the Seventh-Eighth Day which will appear only at the end of the world history, and if we consider the process from the perspective of linear time, we’ll see the same temporal paradox that in the descent into hell, in Resurrection.

Christ is the whole Church, all humanity saved by God. Christ is the very being and humanity as such. And the human side of the life of Saviour can only be soborial, connected in the same system with the whole universe, with humanity and God, with all Creation, with all that is.

Only at one moment, during His death, the Savior stayed Alone. He passed in the mortal state, in which is currently our Orthodox people, in a state of individual being, when human nature is cut off from his loved ones, from the universe and God. And when Christ died on the Cross, then a catastrophe immediately occurred in the universe. The universe shuddered and began to disintegrate, because all being in the universe is connected with Christ, as well as with the humanity of the New Testament. And the humanity of the New Testament lives in another dimension, in a state of integral being. Compared to our fragmented century, the humanity of the New Testament already exists; it exists from the beginning of the world.

Such are the paradoxes that occur with integral time. We need to gradually root in these unusual categories otherwise the future will never come, it will be continually postponed.

Such extraordinary deep meanings are contained in the Orthodox icons. Before book printing, the consciousness of the Orthodox people was at a very high spiritual level, because the language of visual symbolism is much more suited to theology. The book is, in fact, a milk food. Unfortunately, the tradition of popular iconographic theology is completely excluded from the life of the church, nowadays, and icons serve as a simple decoration.

Finally, let’s pay attention again to the hands of Angels in white. The hands and wings symbolize the flow of spiritual light. Thus, depending on gestures, they refer to the direction of motion. One hand of each Angel is directed towards heaven, another - towards earth. As we have already said, this composition reflects extremely interesting and important processes happening in the invisible world. Specifically, it is shown here the process of formation of the Heavenly Kingdom that occurs through earthly church. It is explained here where we need to address our prayers, to raise our hearts for the spiritual life is not sterile. For the power of God becomes a daily reality of the modern man, not only of the characters from the books of history.

How much wisdom is contained here, the knowledge, the true Reason of Christ that enlightens every person coming into the world. And how huge is the fall of church hierarchs. In what unimaginable darkness of ignorance they live! What can they teach us? Why we had to put our life to get to the truth, what they were doing all these fat years? And what will they say about the true Orthodoxy, preserved in iconography? They know absolutely nothing about it! The Synod theologians are only able to say that the Angels began to dance on the occasion of the feast. And they perform a dance near the escalator...

Happy Ascension Day !




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