The world enters in the epoch of the sixth-seventh day. In Bible, a whole layer of prophecies is provided for this period. The Day of Anger of the Lamb, the First Judgment, the First Resurrection and the Messianic Kingdom is the main subject of all biblical prophecies. The prophets as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Malachi, Ezra, Saint John the Theologian speak about it.

The future eschatological period, which is determined in the Project of God for humanity salvation, is not less important than the incarnation of the Son of God. It’s for this reason that many prophecies have a double meaning.

On one hand, it is about the First Coming of Savior which took place 2000 years ago. On the other hand, it’s about the Coming of the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord. It’s not about the Second Coming yet, but about the epoch of the Messianic Kingdom and Holy Spirit, it’s about God who reveals Himself trough His holy people, through a man. Throughout several centuries and millenniums, the eschatology was a subject of primary importance in the life of chosen people, because it explained the ultimate reason of all existence of humanity. The end crowns the work.


During the eschatological period, the humanity learns and discovers the principles of eternal being, its’ for what our world is created and every reasonable person lives.However, at present time, when we literally find ourselves in the epicenter of great upheaval, our officials keep deathly silence. It seems that they do not know what's going on in the Universe and on Planet. And it is very sad, the peoplewho do not know future is similar to the blind kitten.


The public conscience is obstructed by an indigestible mixture of information concerning all kinds of prophecies. Some people are waiting for Antichrist and seal of the beast, others – for the Second Coming and the End of the World, there are some people who get ready for meeting with the King, others calculate the year civilization collapsed and make stocks. Other people are trying to understand all this mess, what is going on in the world, where goes the world? It is the most reasonable attitude, because before you do something, you must get a clear idea of the future in order to act knowingly and not walk in darkness.


The most important thing we must understand about future is that the End of the World is not for soon. Certainly, it is always necessary to be ready, individually, to stand before God.

However, on the planof Creation, we have experienced only a half of the New Testament time. And the most interesting is just beginning. Two previous millenniums were only a preparatory period. Now, according to the plan of God, it begins building up the Church in Its full-scale state, on the scale of the entire Universe. Lord envisaged a series of prophecy for His Project’s realization. They had been hidden, until now, from the mass consciousness. The time of revelation is coming now. It’s necessary to have a clear understanding of the future development of history in order to unite people. There were a lot of projects of national salvation. All these projects are still on paper, because the way out the crisis of civilization consists in changing the World. On this scale, it is only possible to operate at divine level.


That is why God introduces humankind to the course of His Project and opens the way for ascent to the Mount of God. It is only at the level of the God’s throne that it is possible to change the being of the world, to bring it to Divine order. For this reason, with the beginning of the publication of The Project of God, we will launch a series of videos, dedicated to biblical prophecies. We’ll talk about well known and celebrated by Church prophets and canonical biblical books.


It is necessary to work with primary sources. It’s time to put an end to all sorts of erroneous interpretations of various prophecies. People are completely lost in all these countless and contradictory prophecies. There is a crystalline clarity system, according to which is constructed the future. The prophecies of all great biblical prophets are based on this system. They did not practice an arbitrary and personal creativity. They registered their revelations in the unique structure of Creation. In the structure which is described by the prophet Daniel, under the aspect of the giant statue; or four beasts rising from a great sea; or a battle of the ram and the billy goat, not once touching the ground; and also under the aspect of the permanent war between southern and northern kingdoms. It is under this aspect that the future would be, if it’s translated in the language of biblical symbolism.


This system is a structure of the New Testament’s prophetic Mind. The Mind of Truth which predicts the future. True prophets do not play guessing game and do not try to adapt their own fantasies to some required purpose.


The true prophecies are based on understanding of the structure of Creation, as it is defined in Bible. Every kingdom, which exists in given epoch, is like a computer program. The computer is always the same, it’s Creation. What changes these are the programs of civilizations which all work according to the same principles. Daniel's prophecies are talking exactly about it: the structure of the World and human civilizations registered in the system of created being. And all these civilizations are "pirated", so to speak. They are inserted into the system of Creation by hacking and violating the fundamental laws of Main Developer who is our Creator. That is why all pagan kingdoms are condemned for destruction.


The biblical prophets speak about the epoch of the sixth - seventh days as the period of realization of the Project of God. The Creator has His Project of construction of a single spiritual civilization which is created in a particular way, from Zion's height. And this Kingdom is a unique official civilizational program which was initially developed by the Official Developer for His official computer, for His Creation. That is why, when God’s people will accomplish the Project of God, this Kingdom will not be destroyed.


This Kingdom will be registered for centuries and centuries, for all Eternity.



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