What did John Kerry bring in red briefcase?

An instructive story about how the crafty Jews tricked all humanity.

On the project “Through the Looking-Glass”, the Jews worked by “the whole word”. The objectives were distributed among national Masonic lodges, according to the Christian people’s abilities. The Jews paid, the Christians worked tirelessly.

The British, for example, are traditionally strong in the sciences of nature; so, under a comfortable veil of Victorian era, in the main lodge of Freemasonry was created a major component of the project, its spiritual and symbolic frame that represents the essence of the Matrix. Its analog is the first word that God pronounced at the Creation of the world. Only now, the word was Masonic, cut in half. The circumcision was mainly made by Lewis Carroll. And on this foundation were superimposed other components of the universe they have concocted. Chemistry, physics, history, astronomy, theology, anthropology, the whole scientific world was truncated (cut off from the spiritual world), eviscerated and filled with an unimaginable nonsense.

For example, from Mendeleev's periodic tablehas disappeared its first element called Ether, this is an element that explains connection of the material world with pre-space system and the origin of all chemical elements.

Physics was also turned inside out. When the first satellites were launched, they did not reach the planets, or rather they flew past the planet, because they were not able to accurately calculate the flight path, the formula proved to be false. And they had to reinvent physics. The objects in the universe are not only attracted to each other, but they are mostly repulsed, dispersed by force of ether. The Earth does not move around the sun, but follows the sun on spiral trajectory, and on its own trajectory. And so on. The universe originated now from nowhere, the life came from the broth, the cats descended from dogs, and man evolved from the ape.

After the Jews prepared, with help of Christian scholars, this terrible vinaigrette, they began with very smart face, from the height of the chairs of the most reputable educational institutions, starting from Oxford, to clog, by his boundless nonsense, the head of the naive humanity that accepted everything at its face value.

As for Germans, they are traditionally strong in philosophy. That is why they worked on developing new ways of life in the reality cut from God. In this system, the sacred energy of the divine light has been replaced with the energy of money. Therefore, it was necessary to reorient all the highly spiritual aspirations of humanity on the acquisition of earthly goods. The atheistic principles of being, developed especially for “Through the Looking-Glass”, were outlined in the well- known works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

The French were famous by palace coups, intrigues, propaganda, agitation and other delights of revolutionary activity. Therefore, they supervised matters of operational and strategic planning. One of the most famous works of the Judeo-Masonic genre "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was written in French.

To Russian Freemasons was fixed the most important task on the way of realization of the project of building a global Jewish kingdom. They had to block the energy of the Eucharistic holiness. Otherwise it would be impossible to enslave the planet. The Eucharist binds the action of the forces of darkness. Therefore, to untie the hands of the dark forces, it was necessary to block the action of holiness. The power of Christ empowers people by such strength that one man is capable to defeat the whole world. That is why, it was necessary to destroy, first of all, the offering of the sacrifice without bloodshed. To this end, was organized the revolution in Russia. For this purpose, they killed our Tsar, because the Tsar is a major component of the Eucharistic energy. And until now, the main objective of the Kremlin's power is to retain the power of Christ. This is the position that the Kremlin occupies in the system of the Jewish world order. That's why our government guards carefully the mausoleum for almost a hundred years.

Now we are in a state of "a day of darkness and gloom." This condition refers to the fifth day, to the period of reign of the red dragon. This means that the light of grace reaches us as in a cloudy day. There is a bit of light, but we do not see the sunlight. And we do not have a clue what it is the true grace, by the way. The Holy Sacraments of the Church are in a state of chaos. The Eucharistic sacrifice continues to be made, but it is, so to speak, at the level of 2-3%. Therefore, the universe plunged into semi-darkness and people are in a semiconscious state. And it’s just perfect for those who are in power...

As soon as the entire Jewish project was fully planned, they immediately proceeded to its rapid implementation. Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the Russian Freemasons created in Russia a network of revolutionary groups which started to destabilize the empire. As we know, the first translation of "Capital" was made in Russian. Everything was going as planned, the demons were released from hell and infernal work began... At the same time, but on the opposite continent, worked hard the American Masons. The territory of the New World should become a global center of a triumph of Jewry, the New Babylon, where, from around the world, will flow rivers of gold stolen to brainwashed mankind.

Thus, the New World Order is an international project in which contributed the best minds of many nations. For example, the symbolism of the US dollar has been developed by the Russian Freemasons; Nicolas Roerich particularly contributed. Nevertheless, the organizers of this global scam and its beneficiaries are Jews. They realized their proud dream, the plan of their vengeance, and proved to themselves and to God, as they consider, they did not need alms of such heavenly Father. If God deprived us of the heavenly gifts of grace, no matter... We will manage to get everything we need by ourselves. Such were the thoughts of the Jews. And using small tricks, they stole from naive Christians all the treasures of wisdom, accumulated during the New Testament period. They have literally stolen, as well as the fox Alice and the Cat Basilio subtracted five gold coins to naive Pinocchio.

However, the world is entering the sixth-seventh day and the rules change completely. Now, the great knowledge, enabling people by miraculous power of the Savior, will return to the Christian people. So, all the tricks of the Freemasons, which they have mounted for a century, all this crazy realm of Babylonian prostitute, will be destroyed.

According to the behavior of those in power and the attitude of the Third World countries towards the president of the Empire that shook the entire universe before, it remains very short time before the beginning of events.

According to the prophecy, the 44th President of America will be the last. In the near future, we must proceed to the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. So America, in its present composition, may not survive until the elections in November. Anyway, Obama is apparently out of the game already... And, Kerry with his red briefcase. What is this show that he organized? Usually, in such a briefcase are transported projects. The Project of God. The information on the fifth day, on the period of the Red Dragon. About the earthly world, how it should be organized, according to God's plan, and what the Masons have made with it. About the fact that the current regime is totally illegitimate and that Putin is enthroned, in principle, on the void.



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