The Redemption of the Savior is that He sacrificed the greatest denarius for a measure of universal wheat, that is to say, a measure of the universal decay. It was a price to pay for the victory upon entropy and death. To save the universe, it was necessary to give a particular life that exceeded the price of the whole universe, the life which was bigger than the universe itself. Only the soul of God-man is so big.

The oil and wine symbolize the spiritual qualities that enrich our soul, after having passed through the fire of trials: "We must all experience many hardships before we enter the kingdom of God" (Acts of Apostles 14:22).

Our researches came to the semantic core of the Liturgy and the Eucharist. Oncein the ancient church, this subject occupied a prominent place in the minds of Christians. Around the semantic core of the Liturgy were constructed the socialization, the formation of communities, and later, the formation of the whole Byzantine Empire.

"A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine" (Apocalypse de Saint Jean 6:6). There is a direct link between this amazing statement and the diskos with the Lamb and particles. We are talking about an original semantic core of the Liturgy.

In the previous issue, we clarified that seven seals represent, precisely, seven stoppers which constrain a big gate of celestial energy, the energy which is a foundation of being and serves to create Heavenly Jerusalem of God-man in seven stages. God put all this extraordinary power in the hands of man, but with one major condition, the life-givingpower of God is not a dead nuclear energy which it is possible to subtract in combustible elements and distribute between stations. The energy of God is an external life of Holy Trinity; it is a spiritual blood of the Lamb, by means of which is created our world.