This is a state of the world on the seventh day, during the period of the Messianic Kingdom, when the being in the universe will be holistic. The earth will unite with Heaven, many dead people will resurrect and the history of mankind will appear in a new space, called the «Valley of Josaphat»: « Multitude on multitude in the Valley of Decision! For the Day of Yahweh is near in the Valley of the Verdict! » (Joel 4:14).

It is a space of all history. What was stretched on the line of time before (divided land « for having scattered them among the nations and having divided my land among themselves »), appears now as a whole, as if the whole time met in space of one valley.

The Valley of Josaphat belongs to the lower world, symbolized by pale horse. It will be a period of permanent wars: « Proclaim this among the nations. Prepare for war! Rouse the champions! All you troops, advance, march! » (Joel 4:9).


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